LPS Teachers are testing their IEP knowledge playing Kahoot this morning!

Weekly Newsletter http://5il.co/4xzb

Kindergarten students loved having our Grandparents at school today!

Title 1 Family Night. Science and Weather. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Learning about Weather with Channel 5’s Allison Rogers. Title 1 Family Night. #LawrenceburgLegacy

First Graders ❤️ showing their grandparents/special people their school!

Fun times in first grade with our Grandparents!

TOMORROW Thursday, September 20 Grandparents Day GRADE K ONLY from 1:00-2:30

Kindergarten Top Tiger Club-These students had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of August. Way to go!

2nd Grade Grandparents Day is in full swing at LPS! We ❤️ showing our grandparents our school!

TOMORROW Wednesday, September 19 Grandparents Day GRADE 1 ONLY 1:00-2:30

TOMORROW Tuesday, September 18 Grandparents Day GRADE 2 ONLY from 1:00-2:30

Weekly Newsletter http://5il.co/4v2f

What a pleasure to listen to Logan Weber and his message of “Rock Your Future”! #LawrenceburgLegacy

August Principals' Pride-I had an AWESOME LUNCH with these students today! They all have Great Character & Citizenship!

Second Grade Top Tiger Club-These students had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of August. Way to go!

First Grade Top Tiger Club-These students had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of August. Way to go!

August Awesome Authors - These students are AMAZING writers! We may read a book written by one of these students in the future. 📚

A great family opportunity!

LPS had our first ALICE drill today! Students and staff did a great job!