August Rockin’ Readers-These students are becoming super Readers!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Rockin Readers
REMINDER... TOMORROW 9/12/18 IS OUR STUDENT EARLY RELEASE DAY at 2:15 p.m. for elementary students. Please make sure you have given your student dismissal plans to your child's teacher. Thank you!!
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Primary School
August Math Masters-These students are AWESOME at math. Way to go!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Math Masters
LPS teachers are creating a collaborative resource for effective instruction.
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Collaboration 2
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Primary School
This what we do while waiting for Bus #10 to come. 😊 🚌10 is running behind tonight due to a malfunctioning door.
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
LHS Football game vs Milan has been officially canceled, and will not be made up. Practice 5 on Monday.
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg High School
Teachers making Infomercials to show Highly Effective ways to help students develop mastery of the objectives during Friday Fundmentals!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Group 1
Groups 2 & 4
Knowledge is power
Group 3
Important News
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Primary School
Students working hard to learn their numbers!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Number work
08172018 Newsletter Families.
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Primary School
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Primary School
Parents/Guardians, Don't forget mid-day dismissal changes should be made with the LPS Attendance Officer through ClassDojo. Thanks for helping us make LPS a safe place for kids. #LawrenceburgLegacy
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Primary School
New Dismissal Changes Procedures
Learning respectfulness, responsibility, and safety with through the magic of the Officer Phil program. #LawrenceburgLegacy
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg High School
Officer Phil
CES teachers learning how to use google forms to check for understanding in math from Mrs. Mattox. #WeareCES #LawrenceburgLegacy #DataDecisions
over 6 years ago, Central Elementary School
Friday feature
Teacher collaborating at Friday feature.
More bus safety fun! 🚌
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Reading a story about his safety
Talking about the bus expectations
Bus safety this week with Ms. Gregory & Officer Bryant!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Learning about High 5 Bus Expectations
Practicing our bus safety skills
Mr. Kelly came to LPS today and presented “The Sure You Can” show with a lot of great juggling!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
Watching the show
Everyone has had lunch, and we are ready for a great afternoon!
over 6 years ago, Tammy Greive
k lunch
2nd grade
1st grade
Lots of helpers to help us!
Feeding the kindergartens.
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg High School
All hands on deck
Opening milk cartons
Grandma helping with lunch.